How do I add Victimizations to a client?

Add and edit a client's victimizations from the Victimizations tab located in a client's client screen.

  1. To start, navigate to the Clients Screen by clicking on the Records dropdown on the top blue bar. 
  2. Select "Clients" from the dropdown and you will be taken to the Clients Screen.
  3. You can also navigate to the Clients Screen by doing a search for clients by utilizing the search bar on the right side of the top blue bar.
  1. Select a client from the list of clients to navigate to that client's info screen.
  1. Once a client has been selected, navigate to the Victimizations tab by clicking the icon that looks like a scale on the row of tab icons below the top blue bar.
  2. Once the tab is clicked you will see the Victimizations block.
  1. The first thing you will see on the Victimizations block is a list of standard VOCA victimizations. Click the victimization of your client and it will be added to the list of Applied Victimizations on the right side of the screen.
  2. You also have the option to add additional VOCA victimizations.
  3. If you have admin access, you are able to add custom victimizations to choose from by utilizing the Add/Edit Victimizations tab in the admin settings. For more information about adding victimizations see the article: How do I add and edit Victimizations?
  4. To the right of the Victimization lists, you will see the list of Applied Victimizations. These are victimizations that have been added to a client. If no victimizations have been added this section will be empty.
  5. Below the Applied Victimizations label, you will see individual blocks for each added victimization. A victimization can be removed from the client by clicking the red trash can icon at the top right of each victimizations individual block.
  6. To the right of the individual victimization blocks, you will see a list of tags that can be added to the victimization to provide further detail. Additional tags can be added by using the Add/Edit Tags tab in the admin settings. For more information about adding victimization tags, see the article: How do I add and edit Victimizations?
  7. Added tags will appear in the respective victimization block and can be removed by clicking the "x" icon on the right side of each tag.