How do I view and edit Case Defendants?

Utilizing the Defendants tab on any case screen, you can view and edit defendants as well as add new defendants.

To start, navigate to the cases screen.

  1. Click the "Records" dropdown on the top blue bar.
  2. Select "Cases" from the dropdown and you will be taken to the cases screen.
  3. Click the case you wish to view/edit to navigate to the case's case details screen.

Below you will find info on:

View/Edit Defendants

  1. Once on the Case Details screen, navigate to the Defendants tab which is marked by a mask icon.
  2. One or more blocks will show on the Case Defendants screen depending on how many defendants have been added to the case. If no defendants have been added, a message will display indicating that no defendants have been added to the case. Each block will list the defendant's name at the top followed by their id number. Below you are able to scroll through the defendant's details.
  3. If you wish to edit a defendant, click the blue pencil and paper icon at the bottom of the desired defendant's block and you will be taken to that defendant's detail screen where you can make edits.
  4. If the defendant is no longer part of the case, they can be deleted from the case by clicking the red trash can icon.
  5. The primary defendant will be the first block and is marked by a blue star. If you wish to change the primary defendant, click the blue star icon on another defendant's block and they will be set as the new primary defendant.
  6. To add a new defendant, click the button labeled "Add New Defendant".

Add New Defendant

  1. For information on adding defendant details, see Defendant Info in the article: How do I add a new Defendant
  2. If the defendant cohabitates with the primary client, you can click the "house" icon on the right side of the field labeled "Address" to copy the address from the primary client to the defendant you are entering. This will fill in the fields for "Address", "Suite/Apt No.", "City", "State", and "Postal Code".