How do I add Client Tags to a client?

Utilize Client Tags to add additional details to a client. Add tags to describe the client's relationship to a defendant, or give details on medical attention that they required.

  1. To start, navigate to the Clients Screen by clicking on the Records dropdown on the top blue bar. 
  2. Select "Clients" from the dropdown and you will be taken to the Clients Screen.
  3. You can also navigate to the Clients Screen by doing a search for clients by utilizing the search bar on the right side of the top blue bar.
  1. Select a client from the list of clients to navigate to that client's info screen. 
  1. Once you have selected a client, navigate to the Tags tab which is marked by a tag icon.
  2. After clicking on the Tags tab, you will see a block with the client's first name.

Adding Tags

  1. Before any tags are added to a category, a fellow box will be shown with the message "No Tags Applied"
  2. To add a tag to a category, choose an option from the list directly to the right of the category you wish to add the tag to. each item on the list will have an arrow pointing to the left. Click the arrow or the label of the tag and it will be added to the respective category. 
  3. Once a tag has been added, it will be shown in the category it was added to. To remove a tag, click the icon that looks like an "x" with a circle around it and the tag will be removed.