What is the Service Summary tab?

The Service Summary tab provides an overview of the services that have been offered to a client and statistics compared to other services.

  1. To start, navigate to the Clients Screen by clicking on the Records dropdown on the top blue bar. 
  2. Select "Clients" from the dropdown and you will be taken to the Clients Screen.
  3. You can also navigate to the Clients Screen by doing a search for clients by utilizing the search bar on the right side of the top blue bar.
  1. Select a client from the list of clients to navigate to that client's info screen. 
  1. Once on the client screen, click the icon that looks like a grid/table. It is located on the row of icons below the top blue bar and clicking it will take you to the Service Summary tab.
  2. Once on the Service Summary tab, you will see a list of all services and statistics for each on the right side of each row.
  3. On the left side of the screen is a list of all services. Items in each row that are in bold font, are service categories and will display for each category as a whole.
  4. Under the services header, are two more column labels: Total Amt, and Per Total.
    1. Total Amt: This column shows the total number of times the corresponding service was rendered to a client as well as the total number of services for each service category.
    2. Per Total: Items in this column show the percentage of all services offered that were the corresponding service in each row. 
  5. The next header, "Time", has 3 columns below it: Total, Pct, and Avg.
    1. Total: This will show the total amount of time spent on each service.
    2. Pct: Items in this column show the percent of each service out of all services in their category.
    3. Avg: This will show the average amount of time spent on each service.
  6. Under the next header, "Cost/Grant Dollars", you will see three labels: Total, Pct, and Avg.
    1. Total: This will show the total cost spent on each service.
    2. Pct: Items in this column show the percent of the total cost that each service made up out of all services in their category.
    3. Avg: This will show the average cost of each service.
  7. The final header, "Restitution/Other", has three labels below it: Total, Pct, and Avg.
    1. Total: This will show the total restitution paid for each service.
    2. Pct: Items in this column show the percent of the total restitution paid that each service made up out of all services in their category.
    3. Avg: This will show the average restitution paid for each service.
  1. At the bottom of the screen, you will see (From left to right) the total amounts of services offered, the total time spent on all services, and the total cost of all services to your agency.