What is in the Notes/Comments block on the Add New Client screen?

This block allows you to enter additional notes and comments about your client.

  1. Enter a note or comment about the victim or case you are creating.
  2. The note date and time will default to the current date and time OR
  3. Choose a date and time for the note by clicking on the calendar icon to the right.
  4. Click on the button to make the note confidential.  A confidential note can only be seen by the person who entered it and any Administrators on the account.
  5. A text box is provided in the Notes/Comments block for you to add any additional information you may have about your client. The note entered here will display in the client's notes and services screen to be kept with the case file.

Note: additional comments may be added later in case or client records. For more information see **** link to client/case records/edits****