How do I add Human Trafficking Details to a case?

Human Trafficking details can be added to a case via the Human Trafficking Details tab on any case screen.

To start, navigate to the cases screen.

  1. Click the "Records" dropdown on the top blue bar.
  2. Select "Cases" from the dropdown and you will be take to the cases screen.
  3. Click the case you wish to view/edit to navigate to the case's case details screen.
  1. Once you have selected the case you wish to edit, select the Human Trafficking Details tab to view Human Trafficking Details tab.
  2. If your case involves human trafficking, click the toggle button next to "This case involves Human Trafficking.
  3. Click the dropdown field labeled "Human Trafficking Type" and the dropdown will be expanded to show a list human trafficking types.
  4. Enter primary offense of the investigation in the to field labeled "Offense Investigated".
  5. Click the calendar icon next to the field "Incident Date/Time" and a calendar will pop up, allowing you to select a date and enter a time for the human trafficking incident.
  6. In the field labeled "Incident Location", enter a location for the incident. This could be as simple as the name of a location or an exact address.
  7. Enter a description of the incident in the field labeled "Brief Description"
  8. If the victim of the offense was referred to any external Victim Agencies, list them in the field below Victim Agency Referrals.

Note: all changes made will be saved automatically.