How do I add a new location?

This article will discuss adding a new location.

Locations will be available if the Location Manager Module is turned on in the Admin screen.  There are no additional charges for the location manager.  If you do not see Locations check with an Administrator on your account to see if it can be turned on. 

From any screen click on Add New and choose locations from the dropdown box. 

In the New Location screen, you will see 2 buttons, Attach to Case and Attach to Event.  You will also see 2 boxes, Location info and Location assignments as well as the blue Save New Location button in the bottom right corner. 

Clicking on Attach to Case will allow you to add the new location to a specific case.  Now you will see 2 additional boxes, Case Info, and Case Assignments.  Below Case Assignments, you will see the cancel button and the Attach to Event button. 

In the Case Info box, you will be able to make the Case Confidential.  This means that only the Advocate, or multiple advocates that are assigned to the case, and any Administrators on the account will be able to view the information about this case.  Making a case confidential will automatically make all parts of the case confidential including the locations, victims, and defendants. 

Case Info

The case date and time is the date and time you receive the case and begin working on it.  The stage is a part of the Case Manager Module.  If you do not see the stage field check with the admin on your account to see if Case Manager can be enabled.  There is no additional charge for enabling the Case Manager.  The ‘intake’ stage is a preloaded stage and your admin can create additional stages in the admin screen for your agency’s specific needs.  Choose the stage for the case you are entering for this defendant. 

The case number will be whatever number your agency assigns to it.  If you do not have a case number, the system will generate a unique sequential CASE ID number that you can refer to.  The system will also display a list of similar or matching case numbers that you can choose.  If you choose a case number from the list, this location will be added to the existing case that you chose.  The rest of the data entry fields in the Case Info section will be ‘locked out’ to enter or change any data.  Once you click Save New Location you will be able to edit any of this information that you need to.  If you chose a case number by mistake or chose the wrong case number, you can use the arrows icon to the right to remove it and start again.  If you want to create a brand new case for this new location, you can use your tab key on your keyboard to cancel the list and move on to the next fields. 

In the Case Assignments box, you can choose a case owner and assign as many advocates as you need to this case.  The case owner will default to the person that is signed into the software, however, you can select any name in the list that you want or need to.  Only the names of the users that do not already have permission to view the case, such as administrators, will be available for selection in the assign advocates list.  Remember, any advocates assigned here will be able to view the case and all the parts of the case if the case is made confidential. 

Case Assignments

The Event information will be available if the Event Manager is turned on.  There is no additional fee for having the Event Manager turned on.  If you do not see the option to add an Event, check with the Administrator on your account to see if the Event Manager can be turned on for your agency.  If you choose to click on Attach to Event, instead of Attach to Location, you will enter the Event Name, the Event Start Date and Time, the Estimated number of Attendees, the Event End Date and Time, and a brief description of the Event you are entering. 

Location Info

  1. Add a location by entering its details in the location info block. First, mark the location as confidential (if necessary) by clicking the toggle button next to "Confidential".
  2. In the field labeled "Location Name", enter a name for the location being added.
  3. If the location is a business, you can enter the name of the business in the field labeled "Business Name"
  4. Enter the street address for the location in the field labeled "Address"
  5. If the location.

Location Access

  1. If a case is marked as confidential, access to the locations information can be shared with advocates in the Location Access tab. 
  2. Once you have finished entering the info for the location, click the blue "Save New Location" button at the bottom right of the screen.