How do I view and edit Case Details?

Entered cases can be viewed and modified from the Case Details screen.

To start, navigate to the cases screen.

  1. Click the "Records" dropdown on the top blue bar.
  2. Select "Cases" from the dropdown and you will be taken to the cases screen.
  3. Click the case you wish to view/edit to navigate to the case's case details screen.

After clicking the "Case" option, you will be directed to the Case Details Screen. (shown above)

  1. Case Date/Time can be edited by clicking the pencil icon to the left of the recorded date and time.
  2. Edit the case Stage by clicking the pencil icon next to the current stage.
  3. The Case Number can be edited by clicking the pencil icon next to the current Case Number.
  4. Assign a new Case Officer by clicking the pencil icon next to the current officer.
  5. If the officer has changed and you also need to change the Badge Number, it can be edited by clicking the pencil icon next to the current badge number.
  6. The officer's Division can be changed by clicking the pencil icon next to the current division.
  7. If the case needs to be confidential and only visible to the owner, and users assigned by the owner, click the toggle button at the bottom of the block.

Any changes made to any field will be saved automatically.