How do I attach documents to a client?

Utilizing the Document Uploader on the Client Documents tab, you are able to upload and store documents for your clients.

  1. To start, navigate to the Clients Screen by clicking on the Records dropdown on the top blue bar. 
  2. Select "Clients" from the dropdown and you will be taken to the Clients Screen.
  3. You can also navigate to the Clients Screen by doing a search for clients by utilizing the search bar on the right side of the top blue bar.
  1. Select a client from the list of clients to navigate to that client's info screen. 
  1. Once you are on the client screen, navigate to the Client Documents tab by clicking on the icon that looks like a document. It is located on the row of icons below the top blue bar.
  2. This will open the Client Documents tab.

Add a New Document

  1. Begin by adding a name for the document in the field below "Document Name".
  2. In the next field, below "Document Name/Description", enter a description to summarize the content of your document.
  3. To complete your document upload, click the blue "Choose Document" button and a window will open allowing you to choose a document from your computer. After selecting and confirming the document, it will be uploaded and appear on the list to the right.

Uploaded Documents

  1. To download and view a document, click the name of the document. This will open a window allowing you to select a folder to download the document to. Confirm the folder and your document will be downloaded.
  2. If you wish to delete a document from the client, click the red button with a trash can icon and the document will be deleted.