How do I add Tags to a Defendant?

Tags can be added to a defendant and edited on the Defendant Tags tab on a defendant's Defendant screen.

  1. To begin, navigate to the Defendants Records screen. First, click the records dropdown to expand the dropdown.
  2. Next, Click on "Defendants" and you will be taken to the Defendants Screen where you can view all defendants.
  1. Once on the Defendants Screen, choose the defendant from the list that you wish to view/edit.
  1. Once you have reached the defendant's Defendant Screen, click on the icon that looks like a tag. It is located on the row of icons below the top blue bar and will take you to the Defendant Tags tab. 
  2. Once you are on the Defendant Tags tab you will see the screen shown above.

Add/Edit Tags

  1. To add a tag, choose a tag from the lists on the right side of the screen. Click the arrow icon to the left of the tag you wish to add and it will be added to the correlating category on the left side of the screen.
  2. Added tags will appear in the category to the left of the list they were chosen from.
  3. To remove a tag, click the grey "x" icon on the tag you wish to remove.