Advanced Grant Manager - Next Grant Cycle

This article will explain what steps need to be taken for the next grant cycle.

The Advanced Grant Manager is a very useful feature if your agency has more than one grant each with a different fiscal year beginning date and/or multiple year grant cycles.

In the previous versions of VSTracking, as well as the current version without the Advanced Grant Manager, the software tracked one fiscal year beginning date and a fiscal grant cycle of just 1 year.  The grant would just continue year after year and the new vs. continuing counts of victims/clients were reset according to the fiscal year beginning date set by the Administrators on the account.

If your agency does not use the Advanced Grant Manager and would like more information about how to enable this feature check out the Knowledge Center article here: What is the Advanced Grant Manager Module?

With the Advanced Grant Manager, the Administrators on the account can set the beginning and ending grant cycles as needed for each grant that is tracked in the software.  This makes accurate reporting much easier for those grants that have 8 or even 12 quarters, instead of just 4.  This also means that the Administrators do not have to change the fiscal year beginning date for each separate grant just to generate the correct quarterly report for those grants.

The most important thing to remember is that the Administrators will need to add each new grant cycle before the end of the current grant cycle.  Once the current grant cycle has passed it will no longer be available for selection when applying new services.  Services being added with dates within the previous grant cycle will still be able to select the previous grant cycle for that grant.

If you need to back date services or catch up on data entry for services in the previous grant cycle, you can still do that even though that grant cycle will not be available to apply to current or future services provided.  The service date must be within the date range of the previous grant cycle.

To add the next grant cycle for your existing grant(s) go to:

1. Admin Screen 
2. Click on Add/edit Grants
3. Click on the current grant that you need to add the next cycle to
4. Click on 'Create New Cycle From Grant'

With that data entry block open:

1. Change the name of the grant cycle to reflect the new grant cycle (ie VOCA 2022 or VAWA 2022 - 2023, etc.)
2. Make sure the beginning date is correct for the new grant cycle - choose the new beginning date if it is not.
3. Make sure the ending date is correct for the new grant cycle - choose the new ending date if it is not.
4. Click on 'Add New Cycle'.

Now your next grant cycle is ready to be used for any service dates that are in the date range of your new grant cycle.

Repeat these steps with all grants that will be starting a new grant cycle.