How do I add and edit Letter Templates?

Letter Templates can be added on the Add/Edit Letter screen in the admin settings.

Add/Edit Letters Screen

Navigate to the admin tab on the top blue bar. Once on the admin screen, click on "Add/Edit Letters" tab from the selections on the left side of the screen. You will see the screen shown above.

Add New Letter Templates

  1. Click "+Add New Letter" at the top left of the Letter templates block.
  2. In the field labeled "Letter title", enter a name for your template.
  3. In the text box below the Letter Title, you can create a letter template using the formatting options provided at the top of the text box.
  4. When you are finished, click the blue "Add Template" button to finalize and save your changes.

Edit Letter Templates

  1. On the left side of the Letter Templates block, below "+Add New Letter", you will see a list of created letter templates. Click on the letter template you wish to edit.
  2. If you wish to change or edit the name of the letter template, do so by clicking on the field containing the Letter Title and make your changes.
  3. In the text box below the title, you can make edits to the template.
  4. Changes save automatically; however, if you would like to delete the template you can do so by clicking the red trash can icon in the bottom right corner.