How do I add/edit Account Grants?

Account Grants can be added and edited from the "Add/Edit Grants" tab in the admin settings. Add grants for grant reporting.

  1. To access account grants, navigate to the admin settings by clicking "Admin" on the top blue bar.
  2. Next, click the "Add/Edit Grants" tab and you will find the Account Grants block below the Master Grants block. You will see a list of your existing grants and below that, and Add Account Grant tab.
  1. To add a grant, first expand the Add Account Grant tab  by clicking the arrow icon on the right side of its tab.
  2. If there is a previously created master grant you wish to associate your new account grant with, select it from the dropdown labeled "No Associated Master Grant".
  3. Next, select the grant type by choosing and option from the dropdown field below "Grant Type".
  4. Select a start date for your grant's grant cycle by clicking the calendar icon in the field below "Start Date".
  5. Set your grant's end date in the field below "End Date".
  6. Click in the field labeled "Grant Name" to add a name for your grant.
  7. A unique reference id can help identify a grant for adding to cases and clients. Click in the field labeled "reference id" to add an id.
  8. The total amount of grant funding can be entered in the field labeled "Total Amount ($)".
  9.  Define the percentage of time that should be applied to the grant when offering a service.
  10. Lastly, the field labeled "Description" can be used to add additional details to your grant.
  11. To complete and save your new grant, Click the blue "Create Grant" button.
  1. To edit an existing grant, start by expanding the tab of the grant you wish to edit by clicking the arrow icon on the right side of the tab.
  2. Once expanded, follow the same process as adding a grant to make edits. Changes will be saved automatically. 
  3. If a grant is no longer needed or current, it can be deactivated by clicking the yellow icon that looks like 2 arrows facing in opposing directions.