What are Additional Settings in the admin settings?

Additional Settings allow you to adjust grant settings as well as Letter Writer Options.

Additional Settings can be found in the admin settings. This article will discuss all options available on the Additional Settings tab:

  1. Grant Settings
  2. Letter Writer Options

Grant Settings

  1. In the field below "Fiscal Year Start", you can enter a start date for your fiscal year to properly report for each grant cycle.
  2. If your agency does not receive VOCA grant funding, you are able to disable VOCA configurations by clicking the yellow toggle button.

Letter Writer Options

  1. The letter templates feature allows you to create formats for letters that can be edited and exported (see How do I add and edit Letter Templates?). Letter Writer Options allows you to choose the file format for exported letters.

Security Options

The Security Options allows you to set the security levels in your software.

  1. Enforce 90 Day Password Expiration Policy.  When enabled it will force all users on the account to change their password every 90 days.  It is a CJIS requirement to change passwords every 90 days.  This feature gives the agency the option to enforce this policy within VSTracking.
  2. Enforce Last 10 Password Restrictions.  CJIS also requires that a user NOT use the last 10 passwords when selecting a new password.  This feature will give the agency the option to enforce this policy within VSTracking.